Putting the Soul
back in Psychology!

Modern Psychotherapy has become the reinforcer of bad behavior (aka sin).
When we initiate or talk (vs listen) about the bad behaviors (sins) of others unrelated to trying to problem solving our own imperfections and bad behaviors (sins), or we want to talk about how someone is sinning against us and others while we only want empathy without also wanting to look at our own sins related to what we are saying; i.e. we don't want to hear the Truth about ourselves and to be Loving to those sinning against us and others, we will be committing many or all of the following sins (being uncharitable):
Pride (rejection of objective Truth, Love, Virtues)
Misjudging (being judgmental)
Being a hypocrite
Selfishly using those of whom we are speaking about
Blaming our feelings on those of whom we are speaking about
Being a Perfectionist (expecting those of whom we are speaking to be perfect or thinking we are more perfect than them)
Believing we are holier or less sinful than those of whom we are speaking
Comparing our level of functioning with those of whom we are speaking to feel good about ourselves or feel superior
Unacceptance of God's Will (Truth+Love+Virtues)
Failing to be thankful to God for the good and the "bad"
Acting like an innocent helpless victim
Failing to problem solve properly with Jesus
Failing to Discern with Jesus what we should and should not say and how we say it
Being Two-Faced (saying things behind someone's back in a way that would be uncharitable to say to their face)
Uncaring about those of whom we are speaking
Not trying to look for and remain focused on the good in those of whom we are speaking
Failing to immediately pray and offer sacrifice for those of whom we are speaking
Failing to seek self-awareness of our own sinfulness related to those of whom we are speaking and how we are speaking about them
Using the imperfections and sins of whom we are speaking as entertainment and enjoyment for ourselves or others
Using the imperfections and sins of whom we are speaking in order to seek attention
Enjoying hearing and speaking about the imperfections and sins of others
Failing to empathize with the struggles of those of whom we are speaking
Failing to take the logs out of our own eyes first
Failing to completely forgive
"God I'm sorry I want to talk about the bad behavior of others for unloving reasons, please heal me, fill me with Your Graces, Virtues, Love, and Truth, show me Your Truth about talking about others sins, make me self-aware every time I wrongly talk about the sins of others, and help me want to only talk about my own sins, Thank You."