Putting the Soul
back in Psychology!

[Image by Harish Sharma at Pixabay]
When someone only wants empathy and support, while not wanting Truth (about themselves and / or the situation) and to be Loving to those of whom they are speaking, so as not support this sinfulness, we can give empathy and support in ways that do not reinforce the person's rejection of Truth and failure to want be Loving.
For example:
I hear you.
I'll pray and sacrifice for you.
I'll pray and sacrifice for you all.
I'll pray and sacrifice about the situation for you.
I'll keep praying and sacrificing.
I'll keep praying and sacrificing for you all.
You have my empathy.
You have my support.
How do you think that is harming you?
How do you think that is harming them? (the person they are speaking about or another receiving the affects?)
How are you feeling about that?
I'm sorry you're feeling that way (because it's usually sinful)
I'm sorry you're struggling (with your sin)
I'm sorry you're feeling bad (from their own sins)
I'm sorry you're not feeling helped / loved (because of your sin)
I'm sorry you're suffering (from their own sins)
I'm sorry you're feeling helpless (because it is irrational)
I'm sorry you're tired
I'm sorry you're drained (because you are not going to God for a fill-up)
What is it you are wanting to happen?
I'm sorry things are difficult for you (because of your sin)
I'm sorry things are hard for you right now (because of your sin)
I'm sorry you're in a bad place (because of your sin)
I'm sorry you're in a difficult place (because of your sin)
I'm sorry you're not getting what you need (because you don't know what that is or you are not going to God for it)
I'm sorry it's hard to tolerate (because of your unacceptance of God's Will)
I'm sorry it seems like nothing good is coming out of it (because you aren't asking God to show you)
I'm sorry it seems hopeless (because you are distrusting God)
I'm sorry it's hard to see anything good right now (because of your sin)
I'm sorry it can seem like God is not helping you (because of your pride)
What a mess. (because of your and others' sins)
How complicated. (because of your and others' sins)
I can't imagine...
I feel for you.
I hope you feel better.
I hope things improve.
I hope a solution is found.
I hope it can be resolved.
I'm here for you.
I'm sorry all of us are sinners. (including the person speaking and those being spoken about)
So as not to unsolicitously correct others or tell others what to do, we can also say,
I'm working on several of my sins to where I can only listen to people talk about their own imperfections and sins and not others' imperfections and sins (unless needed in explanation of one's own sins of course),otherwise I will commit the sins I'm trying to stop. Thanks in advance for helping me not to sin!