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How to Heal from Feeling Rejected

How to Heal from Feeling Rejected

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

...and any of the feelings in the picture...Image by John Hain @ Pixabay

Jesus I'm sorry I feel rejected (or other feeling from the picture; do one at a time), please heal me, fill me with Your graces and virtues, and show me Your Truth; Thank You Jesus.

Why do I feel rejected?...(or other feeling from the picture; do one at a time)

(No, it's nothing exterior to you; stop blaming your feelings)

Jesus I'm sorry I'm blaming my feelings on others, please heal me, fill me with Your graces and virtues, show me Your Truth and help me to take responsibility for my own feelings; Thank You Jesus.

External facts do not cause feelings!

What in my intellect (the source of my feelings) makes me feel rejected?  Answer: Beliefs and desires (wants), etc.

Jesús I'm sorry I believe I am being rejected for who I am, please heal me, fill me with Your graces and virtues, and show me Your Truth; Thank You Jesus.

What is happening when we think or believe someone is rejecting us?

We believe they are not giving us love in some form (either subjectively in our perspective or objectively in reality).

What are we intellectually doing? What do we want?

We want Love from them in some form.

Are we getting what we want when we feel rejected?  No.

Are we happy that we are not getting what we want?  No.

Jesus I'm sorry I'm upset that I'm not getting what I want, please heal me, fill me with Your graces and virtues, and show me Your Truth; Thank You Jesus.

Are we accepting that we are not getting what we want?  No...Do we want to accept not getting what we want? No.

Jesus I'm sorry don't want to accept not getting Love from the other person, please heal me, fill me with Your graces and virtues, and show me Your Truth; Thank You Jesus.

Do I think or believe that I need Love from this person? Of course, yes...

Why do you think you NEED Love from this particular person?

What makes you think you are right that you think you need Love from this person?

Example answer: Because they are my _____, 

Just because they are your _____, what makes you think you NEED Love from this person?

(External facts do NOT cause your feelings...do NOT make you feel: bad, good, sad, happy, loved, unloved, rejected, hurt, offended, depressed, anxious, stressed, etc.)

Jesus I'm sorry I believe I need Love from this person, please heal me, fill me with Your graces and virtues, and show me Your Truth; Thank You Jesus.

Are we concerned about what the other person needs while we are upset that we aren't getting what we want from them?...No.

That's called being self-centered, selfish, or selfintitled.

Jesus I'm sorry I'm selfish and self-centered, please heal me, fill me with Your graces and virtues, show me Your Truth, and help me to be You (Truth-Love) centered and focused; Thank You Jesus.

Jesus I'm sorry I'm selfintitled (think I'm owed), please heal me, fill me with Your graces and virtues, and show me Your Truth; Thank You Jesus.

Does my selfishness, self-centerness, or selfintitlement mean that the other person is being Loving and should get their way?  No!!!

[This is where we need to ask Jesus to show us how to set the proper boundaries...And read the Biblical Gospels to learn all the different ways in which Jesus responded to people who were treating Him badly.]

Are we wanting Love from Jesus who is God, during this time that we are upset that we aren't getting Love from this other person?...No

Who is Love-Truth? God or the human being? God; obviously NOT human beings.

Who is the original source of Love-Truth? God or the human being? God.

Jesus I'm sorry I'm rejecting or blocking Your Love-Truth, please heal me, fill me with Your graces and virtues, show me Your Truth, and show me all of the specific ways I'm rejecting or blocking Your Love-Truth; Thank You Jesus.

Is the other human being getting Love -Truth from Jesus/God?...

If No, then how can they have any Love-Truth to give you?

If Yes, and you still think they aren't Loving you, then ask yourself...

Are you getting your need for Love-Truth from God/Jesus? If No, then you can't feel Loved nor know moral Truth no matter how much Love-Truth another human being gives you, which means you are blocking and/rejecting Love-Truth that Jesus/God wants to give you.

Are you blocking or rejecting God/Jesus in some or many ways?...If Yes, then you are blocking and/rejecting Love and Truth... therefore you will never feel Loved nor satisfied and you have little to no Love -Truth to give to others.

Bottom Line: You are making yourself feel rejected (and any of the other feelings in the picture) because of how unloving you are...

Stop the Blaming and Start the Healing.

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