Putting the Soul
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I have copy pasted the correct Interpretation of Scripture Matthew 7: 1-4, from the "Summa" written by St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of The Catholic Church, from St. Augustine, Doctor of The Catholic Church, and The Catholic Catechism of The Catholic Church:
"Judge not, that you may not be judged, For with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged: and with what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you again. Any why seest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye; and seest not the beam that is in thy own eye? Or how sayest thou to thy brother: Let me cast the mote out of thy eye; and behold a beam is in thy own eye? Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam in thy own eye, and THEN shalt thou see to CAST OUT the mote out of thy brother's eye."
Article 2. Whether it is lawful to judge? [St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa]
"In these words our Lord forbids rash judgment which is about the inward intention, or other uncertain things, as Augustine states (De Serm. Dom. in Monte ii, 18). Or else He forbids judgment about Divine things, which we ought not to judge, but simply believe, since they are above us, as Hilary declares in his commentary on Matthew 5. Or again according to Chrysostom [Hom. xvii in Matth. in the Opus Imperfectum falsely ascribed to St. John Chrysostom], He forbids the judgment which proceeds not from benevolence but from bitterness of heart."
"Judgment is lawful in so far as it is an act of justice. Now it follows from what has been stated above (Article 1, Replies to 1 and 3) that three conditions are requisite for a judgment to be an act of justice: first, that it proceed from the inclination of justice; secondly, that it come from one who is in authority; thirdly, that it be pronounced according to the right ruling of prudence. If any one of these be lacking, the judgment will be faulty and unlawful. First, when it is contrary to the rectitude of justice, and then it is called "perverted" or "unjust": secondly, when a man judges about matters wherein he has no authority, and this is called judgment "by usurpation": thirdly, when the reason lacks certainty, as when a man, without any solid motive, forms a judgment on some doubtful or hidden matter, and then it is called judgment by "suspicion" or "rash" judgment."
"Hence Augustine says (De Serm. Dom. in Monte ii, 19): "If we find that we are guilty of the same sin as another man, we should groan together with him, and invite him to strive against it together with us." And yet it is not through acting thus that a man condemns himself so as to deserve to be condemned once again, but when, in condemning another, he shows himself to be equally deserving of condemnation on account of another or a like sin." [St. Augustine is also a Doctor of The Catholic Church]
Article 1. Whether judgment is an act of justice? [St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa]
"The word "judgment," from its original meaning of a right decision about what is just, has been extended to signify a right decision in any matter whether speculative or practical. Now a right judgment in any matter requires two things. The first is the virtue itself that pronounces judgment: and in this way, judgment is an act of reason, because it belongs to the reason to pronounce or define. The other is the disposition of the one who judges, on which depends his aptness for judging aright. On this way, in matters of justice, judgment proceeds from justice, even as in matters of fortitude, it proceeds from fortitude. Accordingly judgment is an act of justice in so far as justice inclines one to judge aright, and of prudence in so far as prudence pronounces judgment: wherefore synesis (judging well according to common law) which belongs to prudence is said to "judge rightly," as stated above (II-II:51:3)."
"The spiritual man, by reason of the habit of charity, has an inclination to judge aright of all things according to the Divine rules; and it is in conformity with these that he pronounces judgment through the gift of wisdom: even as the just man pronounces judgment through the virtue of prudence conformably with the ruling of the law."
The Catechism of The Catholic Church states:
2478 "To avoid rash judgment, everyone should be careful to interpret insofar as possible his neighbor's thoughts, words, and deeds in a favorable way: Every good Christian ought to be more ready to give a favorable interpretation to another's statement than to condemn it. But if he cannot do so, let him ask how the other understands it. And if the latter understands it badly, let the former correct him with love. If that does not suffice, let the Christian try all suitable ways to bring the other to a correct interpretation so that he may be saved."
[Logically, we have to make reasonable judgments in order to be a good Christian as is stated above.]
2480 "Every word or attitude is forbidden which by flattery, adulation, or complaisance encourages and confirms another in malicious acts and perverse conduct."
Definition of adulation. 1 : extreme or excessive admiration or flattery
Definition of complaisant. 1 : marked by an inclination to please or oblige. 2 : tending to consent to others' wishes.
To correctly accomplish #2480 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, one has to make judgments of others´ acts and conduct as to whether or not they are malicious or perverse. In order to be able to recognize these sins, one has to make judgments.
Christ said in Matthew 18:15-17: "If thy brother does thee wrong, go at once and tax him with it, as a private matter between thee and him; and so, if he will listen to thee, thou hast won thy brother. If he will not listen to thee, take with thee one or two more, that the whole matter may be certified by the voice of two or three witnesses. If he will not listen to them, then speak of it to the church; and if he will not even listen to the church, then count him all one with the heathen and the publican."
In order to do this stated directly by God Himself, we have to judge peoples´ words and actions objectively, NOT by their intensions, but by what is objectively unloving = false = sin.
What most of you have chosen to believe; who fail to do proper discernment with the God you claim to have faith in, about "do not judge", is from people in the media (both corporate and social media) who reject Who God Really Is, who have No authority and/or No credibility, and who don't want anyone disagreeing with them, don't want anyone saying "no" to them, don't want anyone telling them that they are doing something wrong, and want everyone to give them their sinful way. These people don't care about what God says or wants, they don't care about being Loving (only getting love), they don't care about Truth and they certainly don't care about anyone else but themselves and their own feelings.
Furthermore, anyone who tells you "Do not judge" or "It´s wrong to judge." is hypocritically doing the very thing they are telling you not to do. They have to be judging you in order to even make this statement.
As has been proven here, there is a huge difference between right judgement (a virtue) and rash judgment (i.e. "being judgmental").