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Friday, August 13, 2021

Factual guide to understanding Schizophrenia & all Psychological Disorders...based in Scientific Natural Law

It first needs to be understood that the term "irrational" is used throughout this article in its modern American English sense, which means what is illogical, unreasonable, false, unrealistic, and the absence of what is rational; NOT as Dr. St. Thomas Aquinas' English translation uses the term, which means a creature who has no ability to choose to think abstractly, such all brute animals.

1. Schizophrenia in all forms is an irrational intellectual process: irrational likes and dislikes, irrational wants / desires, irrational expectations, irrational beliefs, irrational thoughts, irrational emotions, and irrational feelings, which include hallucinations either auditory and/or visual, and irrational words and deeds. This has never been disagreed with by any professional of credibility and intelligence from the modern Psychological, Psychiatric, and Medical Fields.

2. For an intellectual process to be irrational, it also has to be an abstract intellectual process.

3. All forms of Schizophrenia being irrational intellectual processes, means that the abstract irrational intellectual processes are what defines Schizophrenia. How are these abstract irrational intellectual processes caused?

4. Only a creature who is or can be irrational can also be rational. 

5. And only a creature who can be both rational and irrational can have abstract intellectual processes.

6. Only human persons have the intellectual capabilities for abstract intellectual processes, both rational and irrational; brute animals do not. 

7. All credible animal trainers and logical human beings know that it is a scientific fact that brute animals never have the capability for abstract intellectual processes, neither rational nor irrational. All brute animals only have biological instinct and basic concrete learned behavior based on biological instinct. 

8. All of the above means that no brute animal can naturally develop Schizophrenia in any form separate from humans purposefully causing chemical damage to the animal’s brain, which "they" "say" "closely mimics Schizophrenia", but is not so. Many have admitted that it is impossible to realistically mimic Schizophrenia in brute animals. The fact that the researchers try to develop it in a brute animal (typically mice or rats) means that brute animals do not develop it.  And the most important question is, Why not? 

All other Psychological Disorders; aka "mental illness" that are primarily feeling based, including gender and attraction confusion, are simply projected onto any brute animal's normal biological instinctual responses.  There are no scientific facts to prove that any brute animal develops any Psychological Disorder; aka "mental illness", that is not directly projected onto them or only simulated by a human person torturing the brute animal.  For examples: "addictions" are "force fed" into the brute animal, and what is so called "homosexual" behavior is nothing more than a sign of dominance or aggression, or mindless impulsive instinctual gyration, all of which negate any rational psychological comparison with human persons.

9. And since it is a scientific fact that all brute animals (including all primates: monkeys and apes) only have a brain / biological instincts, but do not have: abstract intellectual processes, neither rational nor irrational, that means there has to be a huge difference between all brute animals and human persons. 

10. All credible scientists know that the differences between the brain of human persons and other animals is insufficient to explain the differences in thought process capabilities between human persons and other animals.

11. This means that humans have to have something other than the brain/body, that is itself, the abstract intellectual process, both rational and irrational, because no brute animal has this.

12. Since the beginning of human existence, this different part that is the human person’s: abstract rational and irrational intellectual process, is called the "immaterial soul: intellect (mind) and free will to choose", which no brute animals has.  Brute animals have only: a brain, instinct, and a pre-programmed will that is not voluntary/free.  Our immaterial intellectual (mind) free will soul is our personhood.  And since no brute animal has this, this is the reason that animals are never persons.

13. Since it is obvious by the intellectual behavioral differences between human persons and brute animals (including all forms of monkeys and apes) that the immaterial soul: intellect (mind) and free will to choose exists in human persons only, that means that the immaterial soul: intellect (mind) and free will is and has to be spiritual / non-material, otherwise brute animals would have it. 

14. And since it is a fact that all Schizophrenia is irrational abstract intellectual thought processes and their direct resulting external irrational behaviors, and abstract processes, both rational and irrational, are only from the spiritual immaterial soul: intellect (mind) and free will to choose, that means that Schizophrenia is primarily caused by the immaterial soul: intellect (mind) and free will to choose of the person who suffers from it.  And whether or not the person knows and understands the process of how they gradually chose this level of irrational intellectual interior and exterior behavioral functioning cannot negate this fact. 

As has been established, brute animals have no immaterial soul: intellect (mind) and free will to choose, versus humans who have both an immaterial soul: intellect (mind) and free will to choose and a brain.  Most research on Schizophrenia uses animals in comparison to humans, which is like comparing an apple to a lamp. It is unreasonable for a researcher to think that any response in a mouse or a rat would be a "schizophrenic behavior" either internal irrational abstract: attraction, like, dislike, want/desire, expectation, belief, thought, or emotion, (things no brute animal can do), or external irrational abstract: speech, failure to make abstract decisions, and failure to take care of oneself, (personal hygiene for example), which no brute animal does like a human.  These types of irrational comparisons can only produce false conclusions.

15. Since it is now explained that the primary cause of Schizophrenia is the immaterial soul: intellect (mind) and free will to choose, that means the primary solution can only be with the immaterial soul; intellect (mind) and free will to choose.

16. Since we human persons have an immaterial soul: intellect (mind) and free will to choose and we function higher than any brute animal, it is logical that our immaterial soul: intellect (mind) and free will to choose is primary to the brain/body, is the form of our entire body, and uses the body (including the brain) to receive and express information, as both Dr. St. Thomas Aquinas and Dr. St. Augustine state.  All of this means that our immaterial soul: intellect (mind) and free will to choose is the primary cause of not only Schizophrenia, but all so called "mental illness"; i.e. Psychological Disorders, including all addictions (vices) and all forms of gender and attraction confusion...of which factually proven medical conditions such as real Autism, Mental Retardation, and Dementia are NOT a part.

"For the soul is the primary principle of our nourishment, sensation, and local movement; and likewise of our understanding. Therefore this principle by which we primarily understand, whether it be called the intellect or the intellectual soul, is the form of the body. This is the demonstration used by Aristotle (De Anima ii, 2)."

"The human soul, by reason of its perfection, is not a form merged in matter, or entirely embraced by matter. Therefore there is nothing to prevent some power thereof not being the act of the body, although the soul is essentially the form of the body."

[Taken from: First Part (Prima Pars), Question 76. “The union of body and soul”, Article 1. “Whether the intellectual principle is united to the body as its form?” The Summa Theologiæ of St. Thomas Aquinas, Second and Revised Edition, 1920, Literally translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province, Online Edition Copyright © 2017 by Kevin Knight]

"Some of the powers of the soul are in it according as it exceeds the entire capacity of the body, namely the intellect and the will; whence these powers are not said to be in any part of the body. Other powers are common to the soul and body; wherefore each of these powers need not be wherever the soul is, but only in that part of the body, which is adapted to the operation of such a power."

[Taken from: First Part (Prima Pars), Question 76. The union of body and soul, Article 8. Whether the soul is in each part of the body? The Summa Theologiæ of St. Thomas Aquinas, Second and Revised Edition, 1920, Literally translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province, Online Edition Copyright © 2017 by Kevin Knight]

"Augustine…(Gen. ad lit. xii, 24)…says that the "body feels not, but the soul through the body, which it makes use of as a kind of messenger, for reproducing within itself what is announced from without.""

[Taken from: First Part (Prima Pars), Question 84. How the soul while united to the body understands corporeal things beneath it, Article 6. Whether intellectual knowledge is derived from sensible things? The Summa Theologiæ of St. Thomas Aquinas, Second and Revised Edition, 1920, Literally translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province, Online Edition Copyright © 2017 by Kevin Knight]

17. Since the immaterial Soul: intellect (mind) and free will to choose is primary to the body and is the form of the body and works with the body to receive and express information, that means that the immaterial soul: intellect (mind) and free will to choose, animates the brain/body.

18. For the immaterial soul: intellect (mind) and free will to choose, to animate the body, it needs to be throughout the entire body...This is supported by the fact that our brain/nervous system needs our heart/circulatory system in order to live and vice versa.  Both the brain/nervous system and the heart/circulatory system interact with and keep alive ever single living cell of our body. 

19. Therefore, the immaterial soul: intellect (mind) and free will to choose, which is primary to the body (including brain), animates every living cell, and is located throughout the entire body, thereby making the immaterial soul: intellect (mind) and free will to choose, the form of the entire body.

20. Therefore, the human immaterial soul: intellect (mind) and free will is always primary to the body (including brain), can and does function separately from the body, animates the entire body, and is the form of the entire body...As is directly stated by both Dr. St. Thomas Aquinas in his "Summa Theologica" and The Catholic Encyclopedia Online, "New Advent":

"By the human mind, or soul, is meant the ultimate principle within me by which I feel, think, and will, and by which my body is animated."

"Our universal ideas, intellectual judgments and reasonings, and especially the reflective activity of self-consciousness manifest their simple or indivisible and spiritual character. They cannot be the activities of a corporeal agent or the actions of a faculty exerted by or essentially dependent on a material being.  The soul is thus a simple or indivisible, substantial principle, intrinsically independent of matter."

[Maher, M. (1910). Immortality. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Retrieved August 21, 2016 from New Advent: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07687a.htm]

"Now the human soul is the highest and noblest of forms. Wherefore it excels corporeal matter in its power by the fact that it has an operation and a power in which corporeal matter has no share whatever. This power is called the intellect."

[Taken From: First Part (Prima Pars), Question 76. “The union of body and soul”, Article 1. “Whether the intellectual principle is united to the body as its form?” The Summa Theologiæ of St. Thomas Aquinas, Second and Revised Edition, 1920, Literally translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province, Online Edition Copyright © 2017 by Kevin Knight]

"But nature never fails in necessary things: therefore the intellectual soul had to be endowed not only with the power of understanding, but also with the power of feeling.” (emphasis mine)

[Taken from: First Part (Prima Pars), Question 76. “The union of body and soul”, Article 5. “Whether the intellectual soul is properly united to such a body?” The Summa Theologiæ of St. Thomas Aquinas, Second and Revised Edition, 1920, Literally translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province, Online Edition Copyright © 2017 by Kevin Knight]

 "There exists, therefore, an operation of the soul which so far exceeds the corporeal nature that it is not even performed by any corporeal organ; and such is the operation of the "rational soul."..."the whole corporeal nature is subject to the soul, and is related to it as its matter and instrument."

[Taken from: First Part (Prima Pars), “Question 78. “The specific powers of the soul.”, “Article 1. “Whether there are to be distinguished five genera powers in the soul?” The Summa Theologiæ of St. Thomas Aquinas, Second and Revised Edition, 1920, Literally translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province, Online Edition Copyright © 2017 by Kevin Knight]

"The Philosopher says (De Anima iii, 5), that "it is necessary for these differences," namely, the passive and active intellect, "to be in the soul."” 

[Taken from: First Part (Prima Pars), Question 79. “The intellectual powers”, Article 4. “Whether the active intellect is something in the soul?” The Summa Theologiæ of St. Thomas Aquinas, Second and Revised Edition, 1920, Literally translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province, Online Edition Copyright © 2017 by Kevin Knight]

As Aquinas states, "reason, intellect and mind are one power [of the soul]", and "intelligence means "to understand""

[Taken from: First Part (Prima Pars), Question 79. “The intellectual powers”, Article 8. “Whether the reason is distinct from the intellect?” The Summa Theologiæ of St. Thomas Aquinas, Second and Revised Edition, 1920, Literally translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province, Online Edition Copyright © 2017 by Kevin Knight]

21. Scientific natural law states that: "like begets like", "the created cannot be equal to or greater than the creator", and "nothing comes from nothing". "Nothing comes from nothing means we and all creation had to originate from something.  "Like begets like", meaning only the same species can come from the same species, is analogous to the fact that what is material cannot produce what is spiritual. Therefore our spiritual immaterial soul: intellect (mind) and free will to choose, could not have been produced by material evolution. This combined with "the created cannot be equal to or greater than the creator", means that there has to be a Spiritual Being Creator with a soul like ours, but superior to us, who creates both our immaterial soul: intellect (mind) and free will and at least began and put into existence the intelligent design of all material matter. This is absolute proof of the existence of God.

If "like begets like", how can a spiritual immaterial God originate and create what is material?  What is greater can create what is lesser. The spiritual is superior to the material. Just as we can create various forms of art or create mechanical inventions, which are not a human being nor equal to us, so too can God create what is not Him nor equal to Him. Furthermore, the bottom line is that these laws are "scientific natural law", meaning they govern all of nature, of which we human beings are included. God would not be bound by any laws of natural science, as they would not have existed until after He created the natural material world of which we are a part. God created the "scientific natural laws" and therefore can manipulate what He creates.

This is why God is outside of time and not bound by scientific natural law.  Both time and scientific natural law did not exist until after the natural material world was created by God. This is why the scientific natural law, "nothing comes from nothing" also does not apply to the existence of God, and supports the teaching that God never "came from anything", but rather has always existed. And us being a finite creation, bound by time and natural law, cannot imagine or fathom something outside of time and space Who has always existed without a beginning or an end.

22. Since what is immaterial means spiritual, and vice versa, and since we human person’s are a spiritual immaterial soul: intellect (mind) and free will to choose and physical body (including brain), created by God who is a spiritual immaterial Soul, then it stands to reason that there are other existing spiritual beings created by God besides us who behave in both good and bad ways. This is the reason it is logical to believe in the existence of angels (good spirits) and angels that chose to reject God, called demons (evil spirits). Since it is logical to believe in the existence of angels, then it stands to reason that they help us. Since it is logical to believe that evil spirits (demons) exist, then it stands to reason that they do things in order to try to harm us. And to assume that the manifestations of how evil spirits try to harm human beings is limited to a standardized format, manner, and degree with all humans, is naive. 

23. Schizophrenia is: the irrational intellectual: attractions, likes, dislikes, wants/desires, expectations, beliefs, thoughts, and their resulting emotions, which are all of the immaterial soul: intellect (mind) and free will to choose, with their resulting irrational exterior behaviors, while influenced by the highest degree and type of intermittent evil spirit "obsession" that crosses in and out of intermittent mild "possession" whereby demons more obviously speak to the person and manipulate their biological sensory experiences, thereby causing auditory and visual "hallucinations", including "memory black outs", and "clouding of the intellect through affecting the brain", all of which demons have the power to do to all of us physically if we knowingly or unknowingly allow them.

While the demon is clouding the intellect of the immaterial soul through affecting the brain, this both prevents the human being from: becoming self-aware of how irrational they are being, and thinking about their physical needs such as food and hygiene. Demons have no power to affect our free will and intellect of our immaterial soul directly. The demon's effects on the body, including brain, are enough to hinder the person's rational use of their immaterial soul: intellect and free will, because the lesser can hinder the greater. As Dr. St Thomas Aquinas states in his "Summa", "A lesser cause suffices to hinder the use of reason". 

According to Aquinas, the "lesser cause" is the "brain"/"body", and the "use of reason" is the intellect (mind) and free will of the immaterial soul. To date, the evil spirit tells the person not to tell anyone what the it is saying to the person (i.e., what the person is hearing / "thinking"). The degree of fear called "paranoia" is a direct result of the combination of irrational beliefs and resulting fear they cause, chosen by the person’s immaterial soul: intellect (mind) and free will, combined with interactions with an evil spirit and any "hallucinations" that the evil spirit may cause. 

Frequently, and always for those adults labeled with schizophrenia, these degrees of demonic influence occur because the human being has repeatedly and directly conversed with and obeyed an evil spirit in some manner, at some point in time, whether the human being is self-aware of this or not. This interaction with an evil spirit, can be chosen by the human being directly intellectually (even if the human believes they are speaking with themselves, another person, an angel, or Jesus the Christ).

The question is, if these are true, then why aren't the majority of human beings suffering from the same demonic effects as someone labeled with Schizophrenia? Answer: Why would the evil spirit do more work on someone who is already obeying it? Evil spirits don't want most people to believe that they exist. Why? If your enemy doesn't believe you exist, then you can more easily manipulate, tempt, and defeat them. Evil spirits want all people to believe as many lies as possible, because we are unloving every time we believe a lie, and lies and being unloving are the absence of God (Truth/Love/Virtues). It suits the evil spirits very well to have almost the entire human population, especially so called experts, believe that they (the evil spirits) have nothing to do with "mental illness"; i.e. psychological disorders, including addictions, gender and attraction confusion.

24. All of this means that the Psychological Disorder of Schizophrenia in any form cannot be caused by the brain, neither primarily nor solely...and as a result, can never be caused by a genetic predisposition.

25. And since all actual Psychological Disorders (regardless of what is or is not mixed together and listed in any existing version of the DSM, or removed as the case may be) are irrational abstract intellectual processes, that means that they cannot be caused primarily nor solely by the brain...and therefore, can never be caused by a genetic predisposition. 

26. Some biological only disorders such as, but not limited to, basic Autism, are wrongly mixed into the modern Psychiatry’s list of Psychological Disorders. And some Psychological Disorders have wrongly been removed from this list regarding distorted abnormal unnatural sexual attractions. Level of irrational functioning of an individual, being compared to an irrational society of human beings is not a sufficient way to determine whether or not someone is suffering from a Psychological Disorder, but is how these decisions have frequently been made. In addition, subjective self-reported opinions on "quality of life" alone, are not sufficient determining factors for whether or not someone is suffering from a Psychological Disorder. But these are the stated primary criterial basis for what the modern Psychology, Psychiatry, and Medical fields use in order to decide what is and is not entered into their diagnostic book of labels….a far cry from any type of "scientific method".

27. As has always been stated in the Greek and Latin, Psychology is the study of the soul and Psychiatry is the healing of the soul. Therefore, both are rightly and only the study of the immaterial soul: intellect (mind) and free will to choose; and never the study of the body/brain.

28. This is why all scientific research that studies the brain (called Neurology and Physiology respectively) in order to search for the causes and solutions to any "mental illness"; i.e. Psychological Disorders and processes, including all addictions (vices) and all forms of gender and attraction confusion, is irrational and futile; based on false assumptions and drawing false conclusions.

As Psychologist Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen explained:

"One cannot take the methods and conclusions of one science and apply them indiscriminately to another science. Each has its own method and is entitled to that method." "Every particular science has its own domain; its own method."  "And a good thinker will not allow the methods and the categories and the theories to overflow into other domains."

29. Possible physical secondary effects of all "mental illness"; i.e. Psychological Disorders; including all addictions (vices) and all forms of gender and attraction confusion, are brain chemistry changes; aka so called "chemical imbalances", and "psychosomatic illnesses". Physiological secondary effects are a result of the fact that the immaterial soul: intellect (mind) and free will to choose is the form of the entire body (includes brain) until our physical death. 

Our immaterial soul’s intellect (mind) and free will to choose, abstract irrational intellectual processes (which are what constitutes all of the Psychological Disorders; including all addictions (vices) and all forms of gender and attraction confusion), are the primary and sole cause of any possible brain chemistry changes when no observable structural damage to the brain has occurred such as: a tumor, a lesion, or direct physical brain injury. 

If a tumor or lesion or direct physical brain injury or any other real adult medical brain disease develops in adulthood such as but not limited to: forms of dementia and Lou Gehrig’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, etc., the immaterial soul: intellect (mind) and free will, is always a part of the cause and may be either the primary or secondary cause as the case may be.  To believe otherwise would be inconsistent and contradict what the immaterial soul: intellect (mind) and free will is and does, including being the form of the entire body (including brain) and primary to the entire body (including brain).

To believe that any true Psychological Disorder; aka "mental illness" is not primarily freely chosen by the individual, you first have to philosophically believe that: the soul is the brain, or the brain is the intellect, or the brain is the mind; which is the intellect, or the brain is primary to the immaterial soul: intellect (mind) and free will, or the immaterial soul: intellect (mind) and free will to choose does not exist in humans. If you believe any of these philosophical lies, your entire basis for all science about human beings is wrong.

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