Putting the Soul            
             back in Psychology!

  The Way to Lasting Healing 
Heal the Soul...Heal the Person!
Why Psychological Healing only from The Divine?

Why Psychological Healing only from The Divine?

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Believing lies about The Divine and the cause of your problem...will block you from Psychological Lasting Healing.

[the term irrational is used throughout this article as it is used in present modern American English to mean the absence of what is rational; i.e. dysfunctional]

Why do we need to receive Psychological Healing from The Divine ?

Because of what Psychological Healing IS and what psychological struggles and disorders, including addictions, and distorted attractions and gender confusion, and all psychological; emotional; spiritual problems are; as will be explained throughout this article. 

Psychological disorders, struggles, and all psychological; emotional; spiritual problems, including addictions, and distorted attractions and gender confusion, are the absence of moral Truth/Love/Virtues.  And The Divine IS all Truth/Love/Virtues.  Therefore only The Divine can give us what we have been rejecting and therefore are lacking.

We do NOT have the power to psychologically (includes emotionally and spiritually) permanently change ourselves; proven by the fact that no one has ever psychologically healed themselves permanently or psychologically healed anyone else permanently. 

If anyone says they have or can permanently psychologically heal themselves or someone else, by themselves, they are lying.  This is why we have to go correctly to the Divine to receive Lasting Healing of all psychological problems, including emotional problems, psychological disorders, addictions (vices), and gender and attraction confusion.

Where does objective Truth, Love, including Virtues originate? 

Obviously NOT human beings, NOT from any material object (energy is a material object), and NOT from nothing (Scientific Natural Law: only nothing comes from nothing).  If Truth, Love, including Virtues originated from human beings, then we would not have to learn them and therefore we would always have had all Truth/Love/Virtues from birth, and we would always be able to receive/obtain all Truth/Love/Virtues from both ourselves and other human beings; all of which have never happened in the history of mankind.

Who is the Original and Ultimate Source of all Truth, Goodness, Right, and Love (including all Virtues)?  A Superior Soul Divine Being with Person-hood...many call GOD. The term of which we will be using for the rest of this article.

What is Psychological Healing? [psychological, intellectual, emotional, spiritual are one in the same]

Psychological Healing is to receive any particular moral Truth/Love/Virtue (God Himself) from God, that we fail to have.  We fail to have a particular moral Truth/Love/Virtue because we have been choosing to reject the particular moral Truth/Love/Virtue by: either refusing to want a particular moral Truth/Love/Virtue in a particular situation, or choosing what is the absence of a particular moral Truth/Love/Virtue in the particular situation; aka what is false-unloving-unvirtuous.

How do we receive Psychological Healing from God?  Psychological; intellectual; emotional; spiritual healing is the process of:

1. choosing to 100% reject of oneself, (as you become self-aware of them) each and every detail of what one has formerly chosen (which is now part of who one is; one's character and one's temperament) that is objectively: false; bad; wrong; unloving; unvirtuous; irrational; dysfunctional in one's interior intellectual acts of: attractions, likes, dislikes, wants/desires, expectations, beliefs, thoughts, emotions and feelings, including when one chooses to express them in exterior physical acts of: facial expressions, words, deeds, and what one fails to express, say, and do.

2. to some degree, being sorry directly to the Original and Ultimate Source of all Truth/Love/Virtues Himself (God) for any and all details (as you become self-aware of them) of each and every detail of one's objectively: false; bad; wrong; unloving; unvirtuous; irrational; dysfunctional interior intellectual acts of: attractions, likes, dislikes, wants/desires, expectations, beliefs, thoughts, emotions and feelings, including when one chooses to express them in exterior physical acts of expressions, words, deeds, and what we fail to express, say, and do, and 100% want to change oneself, while wanting and trying to stop choosing what is interiorly intellectually objectively: false; bad; wrong; unloving; unvirtuous; irrational; dysfunctional in one's interior intellectual acts of: attractions, likes, dislikes, wants/desires, expectations, beliefs, thoughts, emotions and feelings, including when one chooses to express in exterior physical acts of expressions, words, deeds, and what we fail to express, say, and do.

3. choosing to fully (proven by both intellectual interior and physical exterior acts) properly seek moral Truth/Love/Virtues from the Original and Ultimate Source of all Truth/Love/Virtues Himself, and want to receive and live what is intellectually objectively: True, Good, Right, and Loving and Virtuous from the Original and Ultimate Source of all Truth/Love/Virtues Himself, in order to have Him replace in and with oneself (one's intellectual soul), what is the absence of moral Truth/Love/Virtues, (aka what is intellectually objectively: false; bad; wrong; unloving; unvirtuous; irrational; dysfunctional) in all our interior intellectual acts of: attractions, likes, dislikes, wants/desires, expectations, beliefs, thoughts, emotions and feelings. and exterior physical acts of : expressions, words, deeds, and what we fail to express, say, and do.

Wrong correlation draws false conclusions and teaches lies.  This is pervasive throughout modern Psychology and Psychiatry.  One example of a wrong correlation, is the following belief: The fact that most Christians suffer from psychological disorders, including addictions and emotional struggles, etc. shows that these are not sins, Jesus the Christ doesn't want to heal them, and it's their genetics and brain chemistry that cannot change.

Why is it that most Christians don't receive Psychological Healing from Christ Jesus?  For the same reasons that non-Christians don't receive Psychologically Healing from Christ Jesus.

Because all are ignorantly choosing various ways and degrees, the direct and indirect rejection of moral Truth/Love/Virtues, think they are not wrong about what they have chosen to: feel, think, believe, expect, want/desire, like, dislike, and are attracted to, believe the lie that they are not at fault for this list, reject the true definition of sin, and blame everyone and everything but their own free will to choose for their psychological emotions and feelings.  As a result, they do not want to change, and therefore, God, who cannot control our free will (otherwise it wouldn't be free), cannot heal them of what they refuse to repent of, refuse to cooperate with Him on, and refuse to want and believe the truth about.

Faith alone, church attendance alone, external works of mercy alone, and/or formal prayer recitation alone, or all of this list together, is never enough to psychologically; spiritually; emotionally change (heal) anyone of anything.  Why?  The key word is REPENTANCE.  People refusing to want (proven by what they fail to do) to recognize and repent of their thousands of psychological i.e. intellectual interior acts that are: false; bad; wrong; unloving; unvirtuous; irrational; dysfunctional, is why they are blocking and failing to cooperate with Psychological; Spiritual; Emotional Healing from God.  Sitting in church, helping others, or praying, alone doesn't mean we are wanting and open to God's Truth/Love/Virtues and thereby not rejecting God in various manners and degrees.

For every lie we believe about God; Truth/Love/Virtues, we are automatically rejecting God in that way.  For every lie or other bad intellectual act we have already chosen or are presently choosing of our: attractions, likes, dislikes, wants/desires, expectations, beliefs, thoughts, and emotions, we are rejecting God; Truth/Love/Virtues in those ways.  This is why we NEED to be sorry to Him; because we are freely choosing to reject Him; Truth/Love/Virtues with each and every intellectual act that is false; bad; wrong; unloving; unvirtuous; irrational; dysfunctional that we have chosen. And this is us harming ourselves.

If God IS Truth, Goodness, Right, and Love, why is God not healing me of my psychological disorder, addiction, gender or attraction confusion, emotional suffering; bad feelings, etc.? 

Because you are not allowing Him to.

I thought God is supposed to be more powerful than us.  How can I not allow God to do something?

We human beings have a free will to choose what we do with our intellectual soul and what we do to and with our body.  This is our God (Divine) given right.  Our free will to choose includes everything we do and do not: emotionally feel, think, believe, expect, want/desire, like, dislike, [are] attracted to, verbalize, and exteriorly do with our body, etc.  If we don't want to: believe, accept, want/desire, like, be attracted to, or live in daily practice Truth/Love/Virtues in any detailed manner or degree, then God can't give that particular Truth/Love/Virtue to us.  Rejection of Truth/Love/Virtues can be and frequently is passive.

God will NOT stop / control / prevent our free will to choose, because that would be unloving/disrespectful and God IS all Truth/Goodness/Love/Virtues.

What would happen if God gave us particular moral Truth/Love/Virtues while we reject Him in those particular ways and degrees, or if we are rejecting Him completely?

We would continue to reject Truth/Love/Virtues in the manner and degree we are already doing so, and thereby harm ourselves even more, of which God knows, because God being all Truth/Love/Virtues is all knowing.  In being all knowing, God knows everything before it happens.  Because God IS all Truth/Love/Virtues, if we are rejecting Him (regardless of whether we know and understand how we are doing so or not), God can't give Himself to us because that would be going against our free will to choose, which would be unloving of Him, and God being all Truth/Love/Virtues, cannot do anything unloving.

But I am allowing God to Psychologically Heal me, because I DO want His Healing! 

So you say you want Psychological Healing, really?!  What are you doing in relation to God that proves that you want His Psychological Healing?  You can say and think you want something, but all of your other choices / actions can prove that you are lying to yourself.  Thinking and saying something ALONE doesn't make it true.  I will show how we can rationalize or lie to ourselves thinking we want Psychological Healing, when we are proving that we don't.

Why are most people NOT receiving Psychological Healing from God? 

Because in particular ways and degrees, we psychologically; intellectually; emotionally; spiritually choose (with our intellect and free will of our soul) what is false-unloving-unvirtuous; aka the ABSENCE OF what is Truth/Love/Virtues and refuse to want and properly seek and ask for what is Truth/Love/Virtues; God. 

Believing lies about God, lies about what is the Truth, and lies about what is Loving and Virtuous, while thinking we are right about these lies we believe, is the most prominent way people are rejecting God's Psychological Healing.  Here are the big ones:

Do you believe God exist?...No?...Then obviously you don't want Him to Heal you...Therefore you are rejecting Psychological Healing from God.

Do you believe God wants to Psychologically Heal you?...No?...Then you think you are right...Therefore you don't want to know if you are wrong...Therefore you don't want the Truth...Therefore you don't want God, Who IS Truth...Therefore you are rejecting Psychological Healing from God.

Do you believe that God is Truth/Love/Virtues and the only original source of Truth/Love/Virtues?...No?...Then you cannot have Psychological Healing, because that's all Psychological Healing is; to receive Truth/Love/Virtues (of Who God IS) to replace all the ways and degrees that you have been and are continue to reject Him!

Do you want to create your own god; you want to believe God is whomever you want Him to be?...Yes?... Then you don't want to get to know Who God really is...Therefore you don't want the Truth...Therefore you don't want the real God...Therefore you don't want Psychological Healing from the real God...Therefore you are rejecting Psychological Healing from God.

Do you want God to Psychologically Heal you, but you don't want to obey Him, or don't want to find out how you need to obey Him?...Then you don't want to obey all moral Truth/Love/Virtues...Then obviously you want the absence of moral Truth/Love/Virtues, which ARE your psychological disorders, including addictions, gender and attraction confusion, and psychological emotional problems...Therefore you don't want to cooperate with God to receive Psychologically Healing...Therefore you are rejecting Psychological Healing from God.

Do you believe your emotions and feelings and psychological disorders, [including addictions, gender confusion, and attraction confusion] and psychological emotional problems are your fault?...No?...Then you don't think you need to change anything about yourself, but rather you think everything and everyone but you needs to change in order for your emotions and feelings, psychological disorders, addictions, etc. to change...Therefore you believe you don't need Psychological Healing...Therefore you are rejecting Psychological Healing from God.

Do you think you are wrong about what you: emotionally feel, think, believe, expect, want/desire, don't want/desire, like, dislike, are attracted to, say, don't say, externally do or don't do, etc.?...No?...Then you don't think you need to change anything about yourself...Therefore you don't want Psychological Healing...Therefore you are rejecting Psychological Healing from God.

Do you believe that your psychological/emotional problems, psychological disorders, addictions, attraction confusion, and/or gender confusion and their physical affect consequences are what you have been and still are freely choosing?...No?...Well then you don't want Psychological Healing, because you believe you are doing nothing wrong and you believe you don't need anything to change about yourself and you don't want to know the Truth about any of it...Therefore you don't want Psychological Healing from God.

Do you want to allow yourself to temporarily experience/feel your bad emotions or physical discomfort or suffering long enough to correctly process them with God and cooperate with God to allow Him to replace each of your freely chosen details of what is false-unloving-unvirtuous of your intellect of your soul, with Him; Truth/Love/Virtues?...No?...Then you do not want to go through the process to receive Psychological Healing...Therefore you don't want Psychological Healing from God.

Do you think you have any psychological / emotional problem or addictions, etc.?...No?...Therefore you think you are perfect and sinless...Therefore you don't want to become self-aware of your psychological emotional imperfections...Therefore you don't want to accept the reality and Truth that you have any psychological/emotional problems...Therefore you don't want to accept reality.  All Truth, Love, Virtues is reality...Therefore you don't want Psychological Healing from God.

Do you want to know what is wrong with you in what you: are attracted to, like, dislike, want/desire, expect, believe, think, and feel?...No?...Then you don't want Truth and you don't want to be Loving/Virtuous...Therefore you don't want Psychological Healing from God.

Do you want to do your part of the work to receive Psychological Healing?...No?...Then you cannot receive Psychological Healing. 

Do you expect God to do all the work, or do you believe the lie that God will do all the work while you don't have to choose to do and change many things on your end? 

Do you believe the lie that you simply asking God for help or healing is your only part of the work you need to do?...Then you have no idea what your intellect and free will to choose is and how you are using it.

God cannot do all the work, because God cannot go against your free will to choose when you don't want to stop choosing to reject Truth/Love/Virtues (i.e. reject God) by you interiorly intellectually choosing the absence of Truth/Love/Virtues; aka what is: false, bad, wrong, irrational, dysfunctional, unloving, unvirtuous in what you choose to be: attracted to, like, dislike, want/desire, expect, believe, think, feel, say, and exteriorly do, and by you failing to directly choose what is Truth/Love/Virtues in what you choose to be: attracted to, like, dislike, want/desire, expect, believe, think, feel, say, and exteriorly do.

Every interior and exterior act/action we choose and fail to choose is either morally Truth/Love/Virtues or is the absence of moral Truth/Love/Virtues.  There is no psychological "neutral" behavior that we human beings choose or fail to choose, especially regarding God's Will in every situation.  For example, What is the only thing you are going to take with you when you die?  Your level of psychological/emotional/spiritual functioning of your intellect and free will of your soul.  To fail to make it a priority to daily work on yourself psychologically/emotionally/spiritually is choosing the absence of Truth/Love/Virtues, means you don't want to choose Truth/Love/Virtues, which means you don't want Psychological Healing, which means you can't receive Psychological Healing from God.

Every single thing we human beings psychologically; intellectually; emotionally; spiritually choose with our free will and intellect both interiorly, and exteriorly using our body, are either Truth/Love/Virtues or the ABSENCE OF Truth/Love/Virtues called false/lies-unloving-vices.  There is no "nothing"; there is no "void".  What is Truth/Love/Virtues (including how we feel them) and their psychosomatic physical affects, we call a list of behavioral labels for what is "psychologically healthy" and are "rewards".  What is the ABSENCE OF Truth/Love/Virtues (including how we feel them) and their psychosomatic physical affects, we call a list of labels that are "psychological disorders" [including "addictions", attraction confusion, and gender confusion, etc.] and "consequences".

Do you want to learn how to cooperate with receiving Psychological Healing or do you ONLY want God to make you stop suffering?...Only want God to stop you from suffering?...Then you don't understand what is your free will to choose and how you are causing your suffering.

Do you want to learn about and change yourself / your daily life style / your behaviors that are false-unloving-unvirtuous?...No?...Then you don't want Psychological Healing.  Psychological Healing means YOU change what is wrong with you!

Psychological Healing as repeatedly explained throughout this article, includes you doing and changing many things in cooperation with Truth/Love/Virtues; i.e. God in order to receive the Truth/Love/Virtues of God that you fail to have.  The psychological/emotional/spiritual suffering you are choosing by you choosing what is false-unloving-unvirtuous, will only stop after you choose to want and obey Truth/Love/Virtues; i.e. God.

Do you only want God to help you, but not Heal you?  What's the difference between "help me" verses "heal me"?

When we ask for help from God, and it's about helping us to stop doing something we believe is harming us, we typically only want God to help us by Him doing all the work to instantaneously stop/change something about ourselves that we are choosing and causing.  And we want this "help" without us having to choose anything differently and without us having to experience any unpleasantness in the process.  Meaning we don't want to have to choose to change at all, do any work, or suffer at all.  Therefore we are asking God to control our free will and stop us from having all suffering, while we don't want the Truth we are lacking and we don't want to be a more Loving person.  How irrational!  No wonder we don't get much help from God.

Or, we ask God to help us to control, manipulate, and obtain something material and exterior to ourselves (including regarding human beings), or to stop something that is happening material and exterior to ourselves (including regarding human beings), or prevent something that might happen materially or exteriorly to ourselves (including regarding human beings).  We typically ask for help from God without wanting to know what is true, false, right, wrong, good, bad, better, and best for us and others, while we put or are putting ourselves in the situations we are in, through our own misjudgments, bad priorities and bad emotional decision making, which we don't want to know the Truth about or change.

When we ask God for "help", it is almost never asked with the desire for God to show us how we are wrong or what we need to do to change ourselves; to permanently change something inside of our intellect of our soul that we have freely chosen.  Why?  Because we wrongly think we are right and loving about everything we freely choose with our intellect.  So why would we need help with that?!  As the last person I spoke with diagnosed with the label of schizophrenia responded when I asked her if she would daily ask God for Truth, "I don't need to because I already know all the Truth."  And there you have it!  And we REALLY wonder why people with psychological disorders, addictions, gender and attraction confusion, or emotional problems aren't being Psychologically Healed by God?!?!

And as too many "normal" highly educated so called good Christians exclaim, "I don't need to ask God for the Truth, He gave me my intellect."  Seriously!!!  And it is a fact that you don't believe this to be true about everyone else.  You actually believe that just because God gave you an intellect and free will that means you know, recognize, understand, correctly interpret, and/or figure out all Truth and are always right without error, without needing to seek all Truth/Love/Virtues directly from God and check all of your perspectives (thoughts, beliefs and expectations), attitudes (emotions and feelings), priorities, judgments, wants and desires with Him?!  You arrogant ignorant fool!!!  This makes you practically equally as irrational as those who are labeled with Schizophrenia.  Let that sink in.

If it is still not clear, why do we have to actively directly want and ask God to give us His moral Truth/Love/Virtues in order for Him to be able to give us His moral Truth/Love/Virtues?  Three reasons:

1. What we want and don't want is PROVEN by both our interior intellectual and exterior actions, whether we are self-aware or not. 

2. God cannot go against our free will to choose to reject Truth/Love/Virtues.  Of which we are NOT self-aware of doing most of the time.

3. We cannot take and have what we do not have ownership of or access to in the first place; we have to ask the owner.  Again, Who is God?  The personhood of all absolute: Truth/Love/Virtues.  That makes GOD the owner of all Truth/Love/Virtues.

We ask for what we want.  We don't ask for what we don't want.  If we don't want to know the Truth, or we don't want to speak Truth, or we don't want to be a Loving person...then we don't ask for it; we don't search for how to learn how to be Truth/Love/Virtues.  We search for and seek what we want.  We don't search for and don't seek what we don't want.  We also don't search for and seek what we think we already have, even if we are wrong.  We ask God for what we think comes from Him. 

Therefore we either don't want a particular Truth/Love/Virtue if we fail to actively directly ask God, and/or we believe the lies that either we already have Truth/Love/Virtues, or we can get Truth/Love/Virtues from ourselves or other sources without God giving Himself to us, which means we don't know who God is, which means we don't know and understand that God IS all Truth/Love/Virtues.  If we have any Truth/Love/Virtues, it is because God gave Himself to us, whether He did so directly or through the messenger of another human being directly or through their material works.

If you want to be your own final authority pretending to be free from making an error on what is or is not Truth/Love/Virtues regarding all interior intellectual acts and exterior physical acts...or you want to follow another individual human being or group of humans who started their own "church"; sect; cult, as if they are the final authority free from making an error directly appointed by God, with no facts to prove it, then you will not be able to fully recognize what is and is not Truth/Love/Virtues with all interior and exterior false; bad; wrong; irrational; dysfunctional; unloving; unvirtuous human behaviors.

Only God has the authority to start a church/religion.  If you really want Truth, ask God to show you what church/religion He began.  If you believe God didn't start any church/religion, you better be able to prove it, or the Truth is that you haven't searched for Truth on the subject.  If you don't want to know which church/religion God began, then you don't want all the Truth/Love/Virtues.  Anytime we don't want the Truth about ourselves, God, or others, in any detail, we will limit how much Psychological Healing we can receive, because...

Psychological Healing is nothing more and nothing less than receiving God; Truth/Love/Virtues to replace our degree of absence of Him.

Does God want us to imitate Him; Truth/Love/Virtues in all ways?  Of course! 

Does Truth/Love/Virtues only come from God?  Yes! 

Any human who has any Truth/Love/Virtues received it from God, regardless of who the human or angelic messenger or bridge was that God used to meet us where we are to teach us, help us to cooperate with, listen to, and choose Him; Truth/Love/Virtues. 

A major primary part of asking God for Truth/Love/Virtues is telling God we are sorry for having been choosing what is the absence of His Truth/Love/Virtues (in their particular details) and thereby rejecting His Truth/Love/Virtues (in their particular details) up to this present point that we are sorry. 

Are you sorry for and want to change every detail of how you are choosing the absence of Truth/Love/Virtues and rejecting and failing to choose Truth/Love/Virtues?...No?...Then you are rejecting Psychological Healing from God.  God cannot Psychologically Heal what you refuse to repent of; aka be sorry to Him for and want to change. 

But why do I need to "repent"; aka be sorry to God and want to change in order to receive Psychological Healing? 

Because being repentant: "I'm sorry, I want to change, and I am actively working on trying to change", is required proof that we want Truth/Love/Virtues.  Otherwise simply saying, "I want Truth/Love/Virtues from God is a lie. 

All psychological emotional problems and other psychological disorders, including addictions, and attraction confusion and gender confusion, ARE the absence of Truth/Love/Virtues, which human beings are choosing with their free will and intellect, whether the individual understands this or not, and regardless of the physical affects that result from the individual choosing what is the absence of Truth/Love/Virtues in any given detail and degree while failing to directly choose Truth/Love/Virtues in any given detail and degree. 

To choose the absence of Truth/Love/Virtues means to choose to reject Truth/Love/Virtues.

To choose to reject Truth/Love/Virtues is to choose to reject God, because God IS Truth/Love/Virtues. 

Therefore if you want to be Psychologically Healed, which means to receive the Truth/Love/Virtues that you don't have and have been choosing to reject, which only originate from God, then you have to choose to want to and actively stop rejecting Truth/Love/Virtues, and want to and start actively choosing Truth/Love/Virtues, because...

Saying "yes" but doing nothing or doing the opposite, makes you a liar.

This all begins by you telling Truth/Love/Virtues; i.e. God, that you are sorry for choosing the absence of Him (Truth/Love/Virtues); choosing to reject Him (Truth/Love/Virtues) and ask for Him to give you Himself (Truth/Love/Virtues) in every single detail and time you have and are continuing to fail to choose and reject Truth/Love/Virtues; i.e. choose the absence of Truth/Love/Virtues. 

You cannot recognize, understand, accept and begin to implement/practice any of this unless you have enough Truth/Love/Virtues from He Who IS Truth/Love/Virtues, which you have to want and ask God for daily.

Those who blame anyone or anything else but themselves for their free will choices to fail to have and to reject any detail of Truth/Love/Virtues, don't want to become self-aware of what is absence of Truth/Love/Virtues with their: emotional feelings, thoughts, beliefs, expectations, wants/desires, likes, dislikes, attractions, words, and deeds/external actions, and fail to be sorry for rejecting God (Truth/Love/Virtues) in their intellectual interior and physical exterior acts, and therefore will not receive the intellectual objective Truth/Love/Virtues = Psychological Healing, that the person is lacking and supposedly wanting.

Blaming your brain; brain chemistry and genetics, body type, hormones, menstrual cycle, sickness, disability, feelings, "stress", sins, addiction, and/or blaming externals such as but not limited to: your problems and responsibilities, the weather, your pet, other people, your job, the government, the "system" ("mental health system", "justice system", "education system", etc.), the culture, society, the media, the food, etc. or what you don't have,...for your false and unloving (abstract irrational) emotions, thoughts, beliefs, expectations, wants/desires, likes, dislikes, and attractions,...and refusing to believe your emotions, thoughts, beliefs, expectations, wants/desires, likes, dislikes, and attractions are your free will to choose...and you failing to actively search for the Truth about how they exist in you in thousands of ways,...and you failing to actively work to change every single one of them...is why you are not getting Psychological Healing from God.  It's all your own fault.

In human beings, all bad emotions (absence of Truth/Love/Virtues) are the direct consequences of any and all of a person's interior intellectual free will choices (attractions, likes, dislikes, wants/desires, expectations, beliefs, and thoughts) that are the absence of Truth/Love/Virtues and therefore are an automatic rejection of Truth/Love/Virtues. All of which are morally qualifiable in human beings.

Bad emotions (absence of Love/Truth/Virtues) are, but not limited to: bored, hurt feelings, upset, offended, defensive, distraught, discouraged, disgusted, disappointed, embarrassed, humiliated, lonely, unloved, unaccepted, rejected, betrayed, apathetic, timid, stressed, overwhelmed, worried, scared, afraid, nervous, desperate, anxious, panicked, phobic, horrified, terrified, bugged, annoyed, irritated, frustrated, put-out, peeved, fed-up, pissed-off, angry, vexed, hostile, furious, enraged, rage, impatient, controlling, intolerant, manic, lustful, depressed, despairing, hopeless, feeling helpless, self-pity, suicidal, insecure, envious, jealous, arrogant, self-righteous, hateful, animosity, bitterness, resentment, unforgiving, vengeful, spiteful, etc.

In the ways and to the degrees that we refuse to think we could be wrong, refuse to want the Truth to see if and how we are wrong or not, refuse to take responsibility for our free will choices including fail to blame ourselves for all our emotions/psychological feelings, disorders, addictions, or gender and attraction confusion, along with all our other interior intellectual acts: thoughts, beliefs, expectations, wants/desires, likes, dislikes, and attractions that are causing all of our emotions/psychological feelings, and refuse to "repent": be sorry for and want to stop how we are wrong (how we are harming ourselves); aka be sorry for and acknowledge how we are rejecting Truth/Love/Virtues; i.e. God Himself,...then God cannot give us His Truth/Love/Virtues; i.e. Psychological Healing that we keep rejecting.  We are harming ourselves!  We are our own worst enemy! 

In other words, it would be unloving for God to go against our free will to choose what we do with our soul (intellect and free will) and do to and with our body.  God cannot be unloving.  Therefore when you don't want, directly or indirectly, God's Psychological; Emotional; Spiritual Healing; aka you don't want His Truth/Love/Virtues (proven by how you don't want to blame yourself, don't want to change, and don't want to be sorry directly to God for exactly how you have been rejecting Him; aka His Truth/Love/Virtues), then He cannot give His Healing; aka Truth/Love/Virtues to you. 

Every time you want to feel (aka think you should feel) or you think there is nothing you can do about: any bad emotions, psychological disorder, addiction, attraction confusion, or gender confusion, then you don't want Truth/Love/Virtues; i.e. you don't want Psychological Healing. 

Every time you think you are right to experience, or should experience any bad emotions, psychological disorder, addiction, attraction confusion, or gender confusion,...then you want to experience them... Therefore you don't want them Healed; i.e. you don't want Truth/Love/Virtues; i.e. God, in those ways and degrees, which is the absence of bad emotions, psychological disorders, addictions, attraction confusion and gender confusion.

Do you think/believe you are an innocent victim of your emotions/feelings, psychological disorders, addictions, attraction confusion, or gender confusion?  Who or what are you blaming instead of yourself; i.e. your own intellect and free will to choose?

Every time you believe there is nothing you can do about: any bad emotions, psychological disorder, addiction, attraction confusion, or gender confusion, then you don't want Truth/Love/Virtues; i.e. you don't want Psychological Healing. 

Every time you think/believe you don't cause yourself your bad emotions, psychological disorder, addiction, attraction confusion, or gender confusion, that you experience through your false, bad, wrong, unloving, unvirtuous: attractions, likes, dislikes, wants/desire, expectations, beliefs, and/or thoughts, you don't think you need Truth/Love/Virtues;...then you don't think you need Psychological Healing,...Therefore you don't want Truth/Love/Virtues; i.e. Psychological Healing...Therefore you don't want God, who IS Truth/Love/Virtues.

What facts outside of your perspective: aka your interpretation and understanding of your experiences and what you think, believe, expect, and want, do you have to prove you are right? 

Now do you understand what psychological/emotional problems, psychological disorders, addictions, attraction confusion and gender confusion really are?  They are the human psychological and psychiatric labels for what you have been freely choosing to accumulate since very young childhood to: be attract to, like, dislike, want/desire, expect, believe, think, and emotionally feel that are the absence of Truth/Love/Virtues; i.e. the absence of God in thousands of details and degrees that you also manifest in external actions. See, the article "What is a Psychological Disorder Really".

Is psychological; emotional; spiritual healing the same for physical healing?

No.  Psychological Healing is different than being healed of physical damage, physical limitations, sicknesses; illness, or diseases, when they are NOT "psycho-somatic" affects (symptoms caused directly by bad intellectual choices) of what we have freely chosen to do with our soul and chosen to do to and with our body, all of which are directly allowed = given to us by God in order to:

1.  help lead and direct us to choose Truth/Love/Virtues; God, in the manners and degrees we are failing to do so,

2.  give us opportunities to compensate for (make up for) in justice, the manner and degrees of rejection of Truth/Love/Virtues; God, that we have chosen throughout our life thus far and will choose to do in the future,

3. help deter us from choosing interior and exterior behaviors and situations where we would harm ourselves by temporarily or for eternity permanently rejecting Truth/Love/Virtues; God,

4. give us the opportunity to offer to God in mercy as a debt payment for others who have, are, or will be rejecting Truth/Love/Virtues and will continue or would have continued to do so for eternity if they did not stop, or do not stop, before they physically die. 

These are the ways that God brings good out of all suffering that exits, equally for us and others.  This is why all suffering is good and necessary.  This is the Truth about Suffering.

[It is wrong and a misnomer to us the word "illness" or "disease" with mental disorders and addictions.  "Mental disorders" and addictions are choices of the intellect and free will of the soul, which secondarily negatively affect the brain and body.]

If we want Psychological Lasting Healing (change from bad to good; from false/lie to truth; from unloving to loving) from psychological emotional suffering, psychological disorders, including addictions, and gender and attraction confusion, all of which we are causing ourselves, then we have to 100% STOP wanting to choose all of the interior intellectual acts and exterior physical acts that ARE them and learn how to recognize what they are and how to properly cooperate (repentance, acceptance, and obedience) with God, for Him to give us Himself; Truth/Love/Virtues to replace them.

Failure to choose Truth/Love/Virtues in any manner and degree, is to automatically choose the absence of Truth/Love/Virtues; which is false-unloving-unvirtuous; aka irrational and dysfunctional interior and exterior acts.  But because we think we are right about everything we intellectually do: feel, think, believe, expect, want/desire, like dislike, attracted to, means we refuse to think we are wrong = refuse to want to change = refuse to want Truth/Love/Virtues from He Who IS, WAS, and EVER WILL BE the original source.


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